Anybody out there?
I don’t blame you for leaving. Here we were, enjoying a lovely holiday season together, basking in snow days, and suddenly, I drew the curtain. I’m sorry about that. I hate when other bloggers just up and leave with no warning, no goodbye! But the truth is, I didn’t really plan to leave. Snow days led to holiday family time, which led to more snow days (the mid-Atlantic got walloped last winter!), which led to downtime, which got me out of the habit of blogging altogether. And then – do you ever do this? – so much time elapsed that I felt sort of ashamed to come dragging back in several weeks/months after I so abruptly departed! I don’t know why.
I’ve still been cooking on a recession-era budget (because I don’t know about you, but the economy is still no great shakes on this end of things); I’ve still been planning out new and (I hope) creative meals. I’ve just not been blogging about that. And I intend to rectify that starting this week.
But I don’t expect my faithful five bloggers to come back straightaway. I wouldn’t blame you one iota for moving on and not looking back! But regardless, I’ll be back here in the blogosphere, doing something I’ve missed these last few months. I hope you’ll find it in your heart to join me again — when your schedule allows, of course!
Welcome back. We’ve missed you.
So glad to see you here once again. Welcome home.