It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about my adventures in vegan cheese-making! Last year, as soon as I came into possession of Skye Michael Conroy’s The Non-Dairy Formulary, I went on a cheese-making spree. (Incidentally, I have no idea why this book is now selling for more than $100 a copy. I can promise you I paid about $20.) But as the summer months came into fashion, I gave up my cheese-making ways and let the book rest on the shelf for a while.
But no more rest! Last week, I had some more time on my hands what with all the snow days and Presidents Days (OK, just one Presidents Day) and the like. And with that free time came more time to play around in the kitchen! And what better way to play than to make some vegan cheese?
I started this go-round with Conroy’s version of smoked provolone, which was amazingly easy to make. Blend the ingredients in my trusty blender; heat them over the stove until thickened; pour into a mold; and let cool overnight. The next day, I sliced into the round, put a sliver on a cracker, and – wow! – was shocked at how wonderful the provolone tasted. It was indeed smokier than most provolones I’m accustomed to, but it was fantastic. Sort of a cross between a milder cheese and a gouda – a wonderful combination indeed!
Buoyed by this success, I immediately embarked on what turned out to be my most impressive vegan cheese yet: fresh mozzarella balls. As with the provolone, the prep and cooking couldn’t have been simpler. Blend; heat; and then spoon balls of the mozzarella into a brine of water and kosher salt. Let the cheese cool, and then it’s time to eat!
Yet again, I sliced off a portion of one of the mozzarella balls and paired it with a cracker, and I had to gasp in shock at how downright cheesy the finished product was! It was as mild as fresh dairy mozzarella, but still kept a bit of the bite of fresh cheese as well. And it’s fantastic on a cracker or right by itself. I also melted a little bit of it to see how it would do on a pizza, and it passed the test with flying colors. Success!
So with two new cheeses under my belt, what’s next? I’m thinking of whipping up a pepperjack over the weekend, and after that, who knows? Maybe I’ll play it straight and make a cheddar. Or perhaps I’ll go the patriotic route and concoct an American. After last week’s vegan-cheese success, I feel like the sky’s the limit!