Well, I say, I’ve gotten all off kilter with my posting lately! Thanks for sticking around and loving me anyway. I’m just crazy about y’all! :)
It’s been a fun and frugal week for the most part – once you back out the Monday-morning expense of a new battery for LeeLee’s car. I swear to you, if it’s not one thing it’s another! But we are so grateful to be able to pay for such things – even if it means we need to tighten the ol’ belt a bit for the rest of the week!
1. My dad took me out to dinner – twice!
Now, let’s get one thing out of the way right up front: I am not in the business of mooching off my father! But sometimes, he insists on paying, and he is as least as stubborn as I am. This week he’s been in town for work, and TWICE I’ve gotten to meet up with him for dinner, which is a treat each and every time! Both times, he insisted on picking up the tab, which was not at all expected nor desired but much appreciated nevertheless. He’s a good egg and I hope he comes back to visit ASAP.
2. I’ve just put out my Buy Nothing-acquired holiday decor!
This is a frugal thing many months in the making. Earlier this year, a neighbor posted two strands of illuminated candy canes (suitable for lining one’s sidewalk) on our Buy Nothing group, and I snapped them right up. Finally, this week, the time came to put them out along our sidewalk on their maiden voyage, and let me tell you, they were worth the wait! So dang cute. I’m so grateful!
3. I picked up a new puzzle from a neighbor.
Speaking of Buy Nothing: Another neighbor listed a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle the other day and I threw my hat in the ring for it and won! I have a bit of a Thing about not paying for jigsaw puzzles (with very few exceptions) since I can get so many from both our Buy Nothing group and our puzzle swap shelves at the public library. Yet again, my policy paid off! And don’t worry: I’ll definitely put this one back into Rotation as soon as I’ve finished it.
4. Public transport has been our friend this week.
It’s so funny how we can go weeks – sometimes a month or more – without needing to take the bus or the Metro anywhere, and then suddenly we’re taking it all the time. Twice this week I’ve caught the bus to the train station (once with LeeLee, once by myself), and both times I’ve been thrilled at that surplus SmartTrip card balance I stumbled upon the other day! (We’ll leave out the moment on Sunday evening where I stepped off the bus and straight into a hole in the ground, which was obscured by some grass, and twisted my ankle, tumbling to the sidewalk.)
5. I got my covid vaccine!
LeeLee and I returned from vacation in August with the dreaded covid, so we were a bit delayed in getting our wintertime shot, but this week we’ve done just that. The pharmacist said we timed it just perfectly after our illness and before our holiday parties/travel/etc., and I’ll rest easy in that knowledge! Why frugal? Well, first of all, insurance paid for it, thank goodness (as opposed to the last time where we had to pay out of pocket due to the timing and then fight with insurance for the better part of a year for a refund!). But also, staying healthy is definitely a Frugal Thing. Good health means fewer doctor’s visits, fewer medications, and less time off work, all of which yield more money in my pocket at the end of the day. Plus – it just feels better to not be sick! I’ll take it!
What frugal things have you been up to this week? Let’s hear it!