From travel savings to apparel discounts to leftovers (of course!), it was a surprisingly frugal week!
1. We used some Uber gift cards for our trip to the train station last week.
LeeLee and I took a little pre-Christmas trip to New York City – just a three-hour train ride away from us – and while NYC is never a cheap trip, we always manage to cut expenses where we can. In this case, we were able to take a free-to-us Uber ride to the train station on our way out of town thanks to some leftovers from Uber gift cards wonderful friends had sent us after LeeLee’s surgery a couple of months ago. We’d used the initial portion for meals, but the overage gave us a free trip! I’m sure our friends won’t mind. :)
2. Speaking of New York: LeeLee got a winter jacket on deep discount.
As part of LeeLee’s birthday present, I offered to buy him a new jacket, which he’d been wanting for a while. What better place to spend a few hours shopping than Macy’s on 34th Street? This ended up being cheap entertainment, honestly, as we enjoyed playing on the wooden escalators and wandering the floors. But finally LeeLee found a new jacket to replace his 20-year-old (!) go-to. I must admit I bit my lip a bit when I saw it was a $250 Tommy Hilfiger model, but my sadness turned to joy when we realized it was hanging on a sale rack for $74.99! If he can get another 20 years of use out of it, we’ll all be winners.
3. Our gas bill was lower this month compared with a year ago!
Just when I thought I’d been overusing the furnace this month, a happy surprise: Our gas bill is indeed lower this December than last. I don’t intend to take a victory lap about this – we need to cut where we can! But I am thrilled nevertheless.
4. We canceled our Apple TV subscription (again).
I could have been more frugal in the first place on this, I’ll admit: We only had Apple TV so we could watch the Peanuts episodes over the holidays. Apparently there is a free weekend to view each of the three big Charlie Brown shows, but I managed to miss the first two, so we’ve been paying for Apple TV since just before Halloween. But that ends today – or, more accurately, on Dec. 31, when our subscription lapses.
5. We are deep in the heart of the Leftover Revolution this week!
From veggie enchiladas on Christmas Eve to a Christmas Day feast of Chinese food, we’ve got more leftovers than we know what to do with! Actually, we know just what to do with them: Eat them! For the rest of this week and well into the weekend, we’ll be feasting on leftovers and feeling so happy about our lot in life.
What frugal finds have you had this week? Let us know in the comments!
While I didn’t buy them myself, I found, and shared the deal with women who would, Christmas baby diapers, the original case, @$19.97 ish for @76 count, at Walmart marked 75 percent off.
Considering what’s going on them, and if you’re on a budget, might want to look for any of those still left over, * they were in Holiday clearance section.
I love this! I especially love that you don’t even need them yourself but are sharing the wealth (of knowledge and of savings) with others anyway. Thanks for spreading the word — here’s hoping some of our readers can jump on this deal too! :)