From found gift cards to $0 pharmacy bills to coupons galore, it’s been a fun week of frugality! Here’s what we have cooking (often literally).
1. My recent CVS Pharmacy bill was a whopping $0.
I was due for two prescription refills recently and popped by to pick them both up at once. One of them is often no-cost to me because of insurance, but imagine my surprise when the other – my asthma inhaler – also rang in at $0! Out of habit, I plunked my debit card down on the reader without noting the $0 charge and was thrilled when it squawked unpleasantly at me, refusing to take payment. I’m often hard on the American healthcare and insurance system, but in this case, it worked out. And I am happy to give credit where it’s due!
2. I found a $15 Starbucks gift card while decluttering!
In my quest to continue decluttering our humble home, I tackled our coffee table, which has a secret storage space underneath the lid where we store all our board games. As I sorted through the games, trying to find some we might want to give away, I was thrilled to find a $15 Starbucks gift card just hanging out! Presumably it had fallen through the crack, literally, at some point and became buried in board games. I’ve added it to my online account for use later on – as I’ve mentioned before in these pages, we like to save up Starbucks gift cards to use as a little treat on vacation!
3. I hunted down a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon for my recent online purchase.
We were in deep need of a new comforter for our bed – our old one lasted about a decade but was finally beyond repair. I found one I loved over at Bed Bath and Beyond and knew that, given their proclivity for handing out 20%-off coupons, one would be easy to find online. Sure enough, I hunted down a viable promo code and my $260 purchase soon became $237. I’ll take it!
4. The March Pantry and Freezer Cleanout continues.
We are having a wonderful time “shopping” in our pantry and freezer for our weekly menu plan this month! Some of the top winners from the past week have been chik’n divan (using many ingredients already in the freezer) and veggie enchiladas (with ingredients from the cupboard). Even better: These dishes provided many a leftover for future meals, which is always appreciated by the chief cook and bottle-washer!
5. Finally: A Firmoo eyeglasses update!
Remember a few weeks ago, when I mentioned I’d ordered some discount-priced glasses from a website called Firmoo? They arrived! And they are GREAT. When I put the first pair on, I literally GASPED at how much better I could see (I’d been wearing my old glasses way too long, until they were extremely past their prime). Both frames look great (if I do say so myself!) and seem nice and sturdy. And, of course, I’m able to see better too, which is always a plus! Now I can actually keep up with the March Madness scores this week, which was, frankly, my impetus behind ordering frames at this time. 🙂
What frugal wins (or fails – we listen and we don’t judge) do you have to share this week? Let’s hear it in the comments!
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