The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook, by Neal Barnard, MD
Publisher and publication date: Da Capo Press, 2010
Amazon link: Buy it here
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I’ve been cooking at home more over these past six months than I have probably ever. Now, I love cooking, and we’ve always had most of our weeknight meals here at home, but with this little Temporary Worldwide Insanity situation, we’ve been eating at home five nights out of seven – and every breakfast and lunch, to boot. And with more limitations in terms of how often I’ve been getting to the grocery store, I’ve needed some simple, healthy meals that fill us up without adding to our Quarantine 15.
Enter Dr. Neal Barnard’s “The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook.” I’ve loved Dr. Barnard forever, from the days when I’d read his magazine columns in “Vegetarian Times” all the way through my several stints with the PCRM 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, so I knew I was in good hands when I came across this cookbook at the library earlier this year. I checked it out, brought it into the kitchen and got to work – and, because our libraries are still closed, I’ve kept it with me for lo these many months! It’s become a constant companion.

What I love most about Barnard’s book is the ease of use of his recipes. Now, I do love rolling up my sleeves in the kitchen and getting down and dirty with a labor-intensive recipe, but in these past few months, what I’ve really needed is a nighttime meal that doesn’t give me any sass. I’ve needed no-muss, no-fuss recipes that don’t require a ton of prep work or a plethora of pots and pans. And good old Dr. Barnard, God bless him, has come through for me.
One of my favorite recipes from the book is Ginger Tofu, a deceptively simple meal that spices extra-firm tofu up in a pan with broth, hoisin sauce, sherry, crushed red pepper, ginger (of course), and more. Paired with brown rice and some steamed broccoli, it’s an amazing meal that comes together in truly 15 minutes (not counting the rice cook time!). And it tastes like it’s been simmering all day. It didn’t take but a minute for Ginger Tofu to enter our regular recipe rotation!
Or for something a little spicier, try the Three-Layer Tortilla Casserole. Now, full disclosure: I did not expect to enjoy this recipe. Oh, sure, I thought it sounded intriguing when I first selected it and bought the ingredients, but by the time it came up on my menu plan, the thrill was gone. Suddenly it just looked so plain. So bland. So … boring. How wrong I was, friends! How wrong indeed. This tortilla casserole is teeming with flavor and pizzazz! I don’t mind telling you that the first time I made it, LeeLee was out of town (clearly, this was in the Before Times), and I ate on that casserole for the whole workweek – and looked forward to every serving. That is the hallmark of an excellent recipe indeed around here.
Barnard also has recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks and entertaining, and they run the gamut in variety. But one thing ties them all together – they’re tried and true, road-tested recipes that will keep your nutrition on the straight and narrow without sacrificing taste. Who can ask for more than that?