Friday Favorite: In which I highlight one of my favorite experiences from the previous week. No description, no commentary; just a simple photo. Enjoy!
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So, here we are, in a recession. Let's eat!
Hello, friends!
My apologies for the brevity this week! Between work and home events, it’s been a busy one, carrying right on through today, which happens to be my birthday! After a few days of eating out for various and sundry reasons, I was itching to get back into the kitchen tonight, so I whipped up a version of my best vegan taco salad and managed to add in some Gardein “fish” for a spot of protein! And it worked out just perfectly, if I do say so.
I’ll be back on the proper blogging wagon next week (and tomorrow, of course, for Friday Favorite), but I did want to just pop in and say hello and tell you how much I miss you. Drop me a note in the comments and let me know what YOU’VE been up to this week!
Hi, friends! Happy Independence Day weekend! For the Fourth, we had an All-American cookout feast: Veggie dogs, squash in foil packets, and chipotle-dusted corn. And beer – one of our seasonal favorites, Derecho Common, from our friends down the street at Port City Brewing!
In fact, it was a pretty locally sourced meal all the way around! We topped our veggie dogs with sauerkraut from No. 1 Sons, our squash came from our CSA at Great Country Farms, and our corn came from … well, frankly, our corn came from Harris Teeter, so it’s not quite as local as the rest. C’est la vie!
We didn’t venture very far from home for fireworks – just down to the Potomac to watch all of the displays from around the region, albeit in smaller stature than if we were up close and personal with them – and we had a delightful time! And the caramel-banana pie I made for dessert added the perfect grand finale to the evening. A wonderful day, all the way around!
Hi, friends! Remember that wonderful vegan wrap I went on and on about awhile back? Below, I’ll show you how to make your very own. Enjoy!
Is it just me, or does today feel like a Friday?
Maybe it’s because we’ve got a holiday weekend coming up – and a festive one, at that! – but all day today I’ve firmly felt in my heart that it’s actually Friday. (Note for the history books: It is, in fact, Thursday.) But never you mind what the calendar says! If the brain says it’s Friday, then let’s behave like it’s Friday. Let’s enjoy a glass of wine and a big ol’ plate of good food and get straight into the weekend spirit. (It helps that I’ve got the day off from work tomorrow! LeeLee, sadly, does not.)
So with that in mind, I made one of our favorite meals tonight: spaghetti with vegan meatballs. This is certainly not a new addition to the blog – I’ve gone over it time and time again around this place – but it is certainly beloved. And so easy to put together!
I’m currently fresh out of homemade canned sauce (though tomato season is right around the corner!), so I put together a quick marinara with a can of store-bought tomato sauce, a can of diced tomatoes, some garlic powder, minced onion, dried basil and oregano, salt, and pepper. Once it began to heat up I added a can of sliced mushrooms into the mix, because why not?
As the spaghetti boiled, I heated up the meatballs in a skillet, and before too long everything was cooked through and ready for our dining pleasure!
The sauce turned out just beautifully – if I do say so myself – and the pasta was wonderfully al dente, while the meatballs’ crispy coating gave way to a tender core with every bite. Despite going back for seconds, we’ve still got plenty left for lunch tomorrow, which isn’t a bad way to kick off the holiday weekend if you ask me!
Let’s hear it for Friday on Thursday!
We were both in a Cajun mood tonight, and what better way to capitalize on such a feeling than with red beans and rice? This dish has the dual distinction of being both an incredibly easy after-work meal and one of our favorite go-tos, besides!
Just how easy, you ask? Well, let’s put it this way: While the rice cooked, I took a few minutes to re-mortar a strip in the basement laundry room that has gotten a little, shall we say, defunkitated over the years and has recently begun to leak a tad. And by the time I got done, I still had time to simmer the bean-and-tomato mixture as well as grill up the chorizo in 10 minutes flat! I do love to multitask.
(Incidentally, regarding the mortar, I chose today to embark on this project because no rain was anticipated until tomorrow. It’s been pouring for an hour now with no intention of stopping. But so it goes.)
So at any rate, as the rice cooked and the mortar dried, I heated up a can of red kidney beans and mixed them with a can of diced tomatoes with green chilies to give the pan a little kick. Then I added a generous amount of Cajun seasoning (we’re partial to Tony Chachere around here!) and let the beans simmer for about 15 minutes. As they cooked, I brought out my trusty stovetop grill pan and barbecued four Field Roast chipotle chorizo links to – dare I say! – near-perfection, with grill marks and all. Once the rice cooker clicked off, it was time to eat!
I must say, there’s not a smidgen of rice or beans left (though there are still two chipotle links, which I feel confident LeeLee will make light work of tomorrow). I don’t know what it is about red beans and rice that’s just so dang comforting; it makes us feel like we’ve come home. The buttery smooth beans, the tang of the spicy tomatoes, the rice that offsets the heat – it’s a wonderfully delicate dance that we love every single time. I can’t think of a better way to spend a surprisingly rainy Wednesday evening!
What’s better on a Tuesday night than good ol’ pizza? Especially a French bread pizza that can be made in an instant, with minimal muss or fuss?
Tonight was a Women’s World Cup night, you see, and as I type this the U.S.-Germany game is at halftime, so I must be brief. Tonight’s meal prep also needed to be brief so I could get everything in order to watch the game, and French bread pizzas were just the ticket!
I’ve gone over this recipe before on the blog, but suffice it to say, I sliced a loaf of French bread in half crosswise, then did so again lengthwise so that there were four pizza crusts in the end. Then I spooned pizza sauce liberally atop each one and sprinkled Daiya mozzarella to coat. Then I added several Tofurky pepperoni slices as well as some sliced button mushrooms to the crusts, and then sprinkled just a touch more mozzarella on top just to keep the toppings in place. Then I baked the pizzas at 450 degrees for about 15 minutes, and voila!
As the pizzas baked, I tossed a quick salad (romaine, cherry tomatoes, fresh broccoli florets, leftover sliced mushrooms, and some mozzarella, just to name a few ingredients) and by the time the pizzas were done we were more than ready to eat! We washed our meals down with a beer – because it’s a World Cup night, so why not? And then we plunked down to watch the beginning of the game, which has been rather unruly thus far!
… and speaking of the game, it’s about to come back on. Gotta go! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
Well, if it isn’t a new Crock-Pot recipe!
This morning, before work, I whipped up a new vegetable-soup ditty that includes all our favorites: Mixed vegetables, veggie-burger crumbles, and spicy tomatoes with green chilies! What could be better?
Like many of my favorite Crock-Pot recipes, this one couldn’t be easier to make: Simply place a bag of mixed vegetables (we used an asparagus-carrot-corn blend) in the crockery alongside four diced veggie-burger patties and a couple of teaspoons of dried minced onion, then add in a can of tomatoes with green chilies and top with one vegetable bouillon cube and about six cups of water (instead of the cube-and-water combo, vegetable broth would also work if you’re so inclined). Next, just flip the Crock-Pot to Low and cook all the day long!
By the time LeeLee and I got home from work tonight, the house had a wonderful aroma of homemade dinner, and after heating up a couple of garlic breadsticks to complement the stew, we dug right in! The final result was superb. The veggie burgers held up very well in the stew, and the vegetables themselves were crisp-tender for the most part (though a couple of asparagus spears were incredibly soft). The tomatoes with green chilies added a spicy kick to every spoonful, and the hue of onion provided a gentle overtone. The bouillon, meanwhile, had dissolved perfectly well into a lovely, rich broth.
The final analysis: We’ll be making this dish again! Not a bad way to kick off the week, if you ask me!
Serves 4
What you’ll need:
1 bag frozen mixed vegetables
1 package of veggie burgers
1 can tomatoes with green chilies
2 tsp. dried minced onion
1 vegetable bouillon cube, broken up a bit
6 cups water
Place all of the above into a slow cooker in the order provided (water last!). Flip the dial to Low and cook for 8-10 hours.
Hi, friends! I’m back from vacation and ready to roll up my sleeves and get to grilling again! There are no burn warnings here in Virginia at the moment, so I had no qualms about firing up the grill tonight. On the menu: Vegetarian BLT burgers!
First, though, I prepared the baked beans. I placed a can of barbecue beans in an aluminum grill pan, covered it tightly with foil, and cooked the pan over the grill for about 25 minutes. Five minutes in, I added a foil packet filled with fresh asparagus from Great Country Farms, which I seasoned with some Old Bay and olive oil.
Then, 10 minutes into the baked-bean cook time, I added four veggie burgers to the grill as well (one was, sadly, lost to the coals in a bad flip a few minutes later), turning them over every 5 minutes or so. Then I heated up four slices of vegetarian bacon, which require great care since they’re prone to burning and sticking. (But they are completely worth the extra eagle eyes – they’re so crispy and tasty straight from the grill!)
When the 25 minutes had elapsed, I pulled the baked beans off the grill, followed by the asparagus and veggie burgers (two of which had received a slice of cheese by this point). Then I carefully removed the bacon and toasted two buns on the grate while I got the table set. One minute on each side and they, too, were toasty brown!
Then all that was left was the assembly. We added vegan mayo to each slice of bun, then the burger, then the bacon – two slices apiece – and then a slice of tomato, lettuce, and onion. I added ketchup to my burger; LeeLee added mustard as well. And then we dug in!
I do love a BLT burger. The freshness of the romaine melds so nicely with the meaty texture of the veggie burger, and the bacon gives the whole thing a crunch that ties the sandwich together. Nothing screams summer quite like it! And the asparagus and baked beans were very worthy accompaniments, that’s for sure.
After dinner, we enjoyed a frosty beverage and sat outside on the patio, listening to my beloved Widespread Panic play live from Colorado. A cookout, a backyard Panic show – I can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday evening!