We took a little pre-Christmas and post-LeeLee’s-birthday jaunt to New York City a week or so ago, and it was there amid the cookbooks in one of our favorite bookstores (Kinokuniya on Sixth Avenue) that I had a Revelation.
There I stood, trying to convince myself that I did not in fact need a new cookbook, reminding myself that I have dozens of cookbooks at home, many of which have barely been used. And then it hit me: What if I made one new-to-me cookbook recipe per week for all of 2025?
Friends, the thought hit me like a lightning bolt. YES! YES! I knew immediately I had to do it.
The thought is still with me several days later, which means now it’s a real thing. And so on the train home I began to come up with some rules of engagement. See how this suits you.
Hope’s One-New-Recipe-Per-Week Resolution for 2025:
1. Select one suitable recipe per week, from a cookbook I already own.
2. This recipe must not have been made by me in the past, no matter how long ago or how poorly the initial attempt.
3. Any unused recipe will do. Sometimes that may be a full entree, other times a side or beverage or salad, etc.
4. If I miss a week, I’m not going to stress out.
In typical Type A fashion, I am already trying to plot the first few weeks! How will I choose the cookbook? The recipe? Will it be calculated, or luck of the draw? Time will tell. But I’ll be sure to keep you posted throughout the process – with the good, the bad AND the ugly!
Do you have any food-related resolutions you’re cooking up (so to speak)? Let us know in the comments!