A few months ago, I was chatting with my nutritionist, Rebecca, at our regular appointment when she started telling me about a few new products on the market she thought I might be interested in. While I adore her for her insights into my nutritional intake and overall health, I am equally enthralled by her new-food recommendations, so I got my pen and paper ready for notes. She came out of the gate strong.
“Do you know about Immi ramen?” she asked, as I wrote furiously. “I-M-M-I. It’s loaded with protein and microwaves up in no time. All vegan.”
I did NOT, in fact, know about it, but as soon as we finished our appointment I gave it a quick search. And lo! There it was, at immieats.com, offering up all sorts of flavors ranging from black garlic chik’n to spicy “beef” to, my favorite, tom yum “shrimp.” Rebecca was right: The ramen had 21 grams of protein in every packet, with 6 net carbs. I ordered a variety at once.
The cooking process was simplicity itself. I put 1.5 cups of water into a large 4-cup measuring cup (how many times can I say “cup” in one sentence? – but reader, I defy you to find another way to write that). Then I plunked the dry ramen into the container and microwaved for about four minutes. Brought it out, stirred, then microwaved again for another three or four minutes. When the ramen was nice and soft, I dumped the entire container into a waiting soup bowl, into which I’d already emptied the seasoning packet.
But wait! There’s more!
I gussied up the ramen with some steamed mixed stir-fry vegetables and then added some baked tofu to gild the lily. Top the whole thing with a drizzle of Sriracha, and dinner was ready!
The final result: Deliciousness. The tom yum shrimp flavor was distinct yet not overpowering, pungent but not overly salty. It was incredibly reminiscent of the flavor packets of the ramen I used to purchase at the grocery store in my pre-vegetarian days (which is to say: I’ve still cooked the ramen noodles themselves since then but haven’t used the flavor packets in 20 years!), yet it didn’t leave me feeling dehydrated and bloated afterward. The taste was fresh and the ramen quite filling. I was hooked right away.
And I’ve remained so for months ever since! As I write this, I’ve got two ramen packets left in the cabinet, which means I need to order some more on the double. This meal has become a go-to for lunch or dinner, whenever I want something comforting and homey and hearty that doesn’t take an age to whip up. I’m definitely a fan – and have no doubt that you will be too.
Have you given Immi a try? Let me know what you think in the comments!